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Other Project Reports/Publications 

Port Heiden and Ilnik Stock Composition, 2014 and 2015 - This project was designed as a follow-on to Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Program (WASSIP) to obtain additional year's data on the stock composition of sockeye salmon captured in the Port Heiden section of the Alaska Peninsula. In addition, the project set out to characterize the stock composition in the Outer and Inner sections of the Port Heiden section to see if closure of the Outer section had a meaningful effect on the interception of Bristol Bay sockeye salmon.  The work was designed and conducted by the University of Washington and funded by BBEDC.  BBSRI was involved in program review and technical support.  


Final project report

Powerpoint presentation at the Alaska Board of Fisheries (Feb 2016)



Optimal Harvesting Considering Biological and Economic Objectives, 2005-6. This study was the precursor to the more detailed study done almost a decade later and described on the Escapement Goal Analysis page.  This study stemmed from a 2004 escapement goal review that suggested larger escapement goals would lead to greater catches (and value of the catch).  The analysis showed that average catch is maximized by a fixed escapement goal but that annual revenue would be maximized at allowing harvesting to escapements below levels that maximize catch.  The analysis also concluded a more detailed, daily model of the fish and fishery would better capture the trade offs among escapement policies and better quantify the economic benefits among alternatives.



AFS Poster (American Fisheries Society)

Project Report

Executive Summary from Project Report (Nov. 2006)



Collapse of Kvichak Sockeye Salmon Production, Brood Years 1991-1999:
Population Characteristics, Possible Factors, and Management Implications (2004-2006)

Kvichak sockeye salmon, once the largest sockeye stock in the world (up to 50% of world’s sockeye production), declined 73% during brood years 1991-1999 compared with previous years. This investigation examined factors associated with the decline and implication for salmon management.  The study was managed by Mr. Link and funded by the North Pacific Research Board and BBSRI.


Final Project Report



Analysis of Options to Restructure the Bristol Bay Salmon Fishery, 2003. The purpose of this study was to identify and examine options to restructure the Bristol Bay salmon fishery and compare them, in terms of anticipated effects, to the option of not making changes to the fishery. Our analysis identified several sources of wealth that are foregone under the current structure of the fishery and three restructuring options would allow participants to capture this wealth.  Michael Link, BBSRI's Executive Director, designed and managed this project with assistance from a five-member team of subject matter experts and an 11-member Advisory Panel comprised of 7 fishermen, a processor, a fishery manager, an academic economist, and the chairman of the State's Commercial Fisheries Entry Commission.  The report was commissioned by the Bristol Bay Economic Development Corporation and the State of Alaska's Joint Legislative Salmon Industry Task Force.  The documents below are the same as those on the original project website, where some additional documentation is available.


Summary Flyer

Report Executive Summary

Project Report

Appendices to the Project Report

Press Release, March 2003



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